Title : Project Idea Brainstorming
Date : 26 February 2019
Objectives :
Have a proper and solid idea for my Final Year Project so the project can be started as soon as possible. Some discussion with the supervisor to get the better idea of the overall project that i am doing.
Contents :
The proposal for this project entitled "The Development of Car Accident Detection and Recovery System" was sent to my supervisor. We discussed and brainstorming some idea to improve functionality and the overall project. The purpose of my project is to enhance the safety system provided by car manufacturer and decrease the amount of time for the rescue team saving an accident victim so more life can be safe in the future. The flow of my system is as below :
Date : 26 February 2019
Objectives :
Have a proper and solid idea for my Final Year Project so the project can be started as soon as possible. Some discussion with the supervisor to get the better idea of the overall project that i am doing.
Contents :
The proposal for this project entitled "The Development of Car Accident Detection and Recovery System" was sent to my supervisor. We discussed and brainstorming some idea to improve functionality and the overall project. The purpose of my project is to enhance the safety system provided by car manufacturer and decrease the amount of time for the rescue team saving an accident victim so more life can be safe in the future. The flow of my system is as below :
For this week also, it is the first workshop meeting for all FYP1 students. We have been explained about the activity calendar for this semester. Hope everything is fine for this project and may this project be a successful project in the future.
Conclusions :
For overall, this is basically the main idea of my project. A autonomous vehicle that can detect an accident and then will alert the nearby rescue team about the accident thus calling for help.