WEEK 4 (FYP 2)

Title : Prototype Pre-assembly
Date : 17 August 2019

Objective :
Give a clearer view of how the final prototype will be assemble. The purpose of doing this phase is to ensure that the expenses can be save if anything bad happen.

Contents :
The final prototype design should use a wood planks or acrylic perspex as the main body frame. Instead of using that, in this phase I use a cardboard as the main body frame for my project. Below are the prototype using cardboard body frame :

All of the components are placed according to their place and ready to be tested one by one. The objectives for this phase are :
  • Testing the distance monitoring system using Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Testing the speed monitoring system using IR Sensor
  • Testing the impact monitoring system using Vibration Sensor
  • Testing the signal connectivity for GSM SIM800L (can receive signal and send SMS)
  • Testing signal connectivity for GPS Neo-6M (give accurate coordinate)

Conclusion :
In conclusion, all of the components work well individually but when it combine together as a system, some issues need to be fix. One of the main problem is the GSM because the signal connectivity is very weak even at an open space. The GSM need to be changed to other model that can boost up the signal which is GSM SIM900A.