Title : Simulation Testing for each of the component
Date : 30 August 2019
Objective :
To ensure all of the components works perfectly when combine into a system.
To ensure all of the components works perfectly when combine into a system.
Contents :
As stated in week 4, a major issue occur from GSM SIM800L where the signal connectivity is very weak and can distract the whole system to be working perfectly thus GSM SIM900A is being used to substitute the old GSM module.
Throughout the week, many simulation testing and coding have been done to test out the functionality of each component. The testing included distance monitoring, speed monitoring and impact monitoring.
#1 Distance Monitoring
The sensor will be triggered if the distance between the vehicle and object in front is less than 5 cm. It will automatically detects and send warning alert to the driver.
#2 Speed Monitoring
The sensor will be triggered if the speed of the vehicle is more than 180 kmh. It will automatically detects and send warning alert to the driver.
#3 Impact Monitoring
The sensor will be triggered if it detects a certain amount of shock received from the front of the car. It will automatically detects and send warning alert to the driver.
#4 Accident Detection Monitoring
An accident will be justify by the system if all of the sensors are triggered. The distance must <5 cm, the speed must decrease rapidly or = 0 kmh and an impact is detected at the front of the car.
If an accident happen the system will automatically alarm the GPS to track the last coordinate of the vehicle and the location will be sent through GSM via SMS to the rescue team.
As stated in week 4, a major issue occur from GSM SIM800L where the signal connectivity is very weak and can distract the whole system to be working perfectly thus GSM SIM900A is being used to substitute the old GSM module.
Throughout the week, many simulation testing and coding have been done to test out the functionality of each component. The testing included distance monitoring, speed monitoring and impact monitoring.
#1 Distance Monitoring
If an accident happen the system will automatically alarm the GPS to track the last coordinate of the vehicle and the location will be sent through GSM via SMS to the rescue team.
Conclusion :
In summary, based on the testing that had been done, the result of all the testings were quite successful but further improvement need to be done such as the coordinate can be send in the form of google link to make job easier for the rescue team by just tapping a link that can be used with Google Map.
In summary, based on the testing that had been done, the result of all the testings were quite successful but further improvement need to be done such as the coordinate can be send in the form of google link to make job easier for the rescue team by just tapping a link that can be used with Google Map.