Title : Report Correction & Compiling
Date : 10 Nov 2019
Objectives :
Doing some final editing and correction for my thesis report and compile it before proceed to printing.
Doing some final editing and correction for my thesis report and compile it before proceed to printing.
Contents :
In this week, I have done the correction of my thesis and prepare to compile all my report according to the final year project thesis template. I have doing the correction at the certain mistakes that I make such as page numbering, label numbering and wrong spelled word. I have also doing the page arrangement, table of content, margin of the pages and the last part is appendices. My appendices divided into several parts which is the appendices A will holds my coding part, the appendices B hold smy schematic diagram, the appendices C holds overall view of prototype, the appendices D holds the Arduino datasheet and the appendices E holds my final year project poster.
In this week, I have done the correction of my thesis and prepare to compile all my report according to the final year project thesis template. I have doing the correction at the certain mistakes that I make such as page numbering, label numbering and wrong spelled word. I have also doing the page arrangement, table of content, margin of the pages and the last part is appendices. My appendices divided into several parts which is the appendices A will holds my coding part, the appendices B hold smy schematic diagram, the appendices C holds overall view of prototype, the appendices D holds the Arduino datasheet and the appendices E holds my final year project poster.
Conclusions :
To conclude, the compiled report will be sent to my supervisor for Turnitin test. The test will analyse my report if there are any plagiarism. For the final year project report, the maximum percentage of plagiarism must be <20%.
To conclude, the compiled report will be sent to my supervisor for Turnitin test. The test will analyse my report if there are any plagiarism. For the final year project report, the maximum percentage of plagiarism must be <20%.