WEEK 8 (FYP 2)

Title : Collecting Data and Prototype testing
Date : 13 Sept 2019

Objectives :
Running tests for every component in every aspect to make sure that the prototype functioning well in a real time situation.

Contents :
Several tests have been done to imitate the real time situation to analyse the compatibility of this prototype to the user. The test also included how the message is send to the rescue team via SMS  using a google link that can be directed to the Google Map Application.

#1 Distance Warning Alert
The Ultrasonic Sensor helps the person who drives the vehicle knows the distance between the vehicle and object in front. The sensor will be triggered if the distance is less than 5 cm and starts to give a warning to the driver about the distance.

#2 Speed Warning Alert
In this project, the purpose of IR sensor can be manipulated to read the speed of a moving object. The sensor is placed behind of a vehicle tire so it can detect the revolution speed of the tire. The sensor will detect the revolution per minute of the vehicle tire and collect the information that can be transform into kmh unit. If the driver droves higher than 180 kmh, the system will detect as an over speeding and then will give a warning to the driver.

#3 Impact Warning Alert
This sensor is placed at the front of the vehicle as Figure 4.15 to detect any impact towards the front of the vehicle. The impact can be adjusted to the lowest touch or hard object impact. The settings are set to the mild impact because if the setting is to low the system might be giving a false alert because it is too sensitive. 

#3 Message Notification Alert
For the output of this system, there are GPS and GSM module that being used to send the emergency alert message to the rescue team. The GPS module is codded  to send the coordinate of the vehicle in the form of google link. This is to make the tracking and locating easier for the rescue team. 

For the GSM module, the alert message is compact with the information of the driver’s name, the type and number plate of the car and the location of the accident occur. Based on the location below, the emrgency is triggered at UniKL BMI, Gombak.

Conclusions :
As for conclusion, the purposed of doing these testing are to make sure all of the sensors are working properly and precisely according to the situation. During this phase, some adjustable can be changed easily before completing it fully on the prototype. The testing that are taken seriously are the sensors that will collect the information for the vehicle.