Title : Preparations for FYP 2 Exhibition Day and New features added
Date : 28 Sept 2019
Objectives :
Create some new features for my prototype to make this project more interesting and be ready with all the facts and data collected for the presentation.
Create some new features for my prototype to make this project more interesting and be ready with all the facts and data collected for the presentation.
Contents :
This week, I continue upgrading my project by adding some new features. The new features are :
#1 Button - Press to start engine
This prototype comes with a security or start button before starting the system. This is to ensure that all of the components have been load properly before running the program.
#2 Button - Emergency button
This prototype has an emergency button feature that when it is activated, the system will directly send an emergency alert message to the rescue team. This will bypass all the sensor triggers and directly contact the emergency number registered to the vehicle.
This week, I continue upgrading my project by adding some new features. The new features are :
#1 Button - Press to start engine
This prototype comes with a security or start button before starting the system. This is to ensure that all of the components have been load properly before running the program.
This prototype has an emergency button feature that when it is activated, the system will directly send an emergency alert message to the rescue team. This will bypass all the sensor triggers and directly contact the emergency number registered to the vehicle.
After the features have been added and tested, I started to make some preparations for my FYP 2 Exhibition Day. I completed the poster that will be used during the presentation and make some final check up for my project to run smoothly and perfectly during the presentation.
Conclusions :
In summary, this week I have prepared a lot for the Exhibition Day and I am very happy with the prototype because it works very well. Next, I will try to make some last adjustments and edit my poster before printing it.