WEEK 10 (FYP 2)

Title : Final Briefing for FYP 2 Students (Submission Date of the Reports)
Date : 6 Oct 2019

Objectives :
Explain briefly about the submission date for all the reports that need to be done and listing the assessors that will attend each student.

Contents :
For this week, I attend the 3rd meeting for FYP 2 which talk about “The Exhibition Day and Submission date for Final Report and Technical Report”. In this section, the FYP 2 coordinator explain about the tentative during the Exhibition Day and also the list of dates for the students to submit their reports. Next, each student will have 2 assessors to access the project. As for me, I got En. Mohamed Firdaus (Director of Fardam Engineering) and Mdm. Zaridah Mat Zain to access me with my project presentation.

On the other hand, I had finished doing my poster for the project and demo the prototype to my supervisor. The reason I prepared the poster early is to make sure my supervisor can improvise my language and grammar usage in the poster. Also my supervisor can advice me if there is any mistake and can give some recommendations.

The poster contains the objective, project description, methodology, flowchart, result and conclusion of my project.  My supervisor also satisfied with my apps. It is functioning well in in every situation. I feel so grateful because the prototype is functioning well, its has been 10 week since the project development started.

Conclusions :
After a hectic week preparing my project and poster, i think i am well prepared now with the help of my supervisor and friends. The data and results that obtained are encouraging enough for me to present my project to the assessor. There are some mistakes and error that need to be fix before the big day and i hope the presentation day will go smoothly as planned. Amin