Title : FYP 2 Exhibition Day
Date : 9 Oct 2019
Objectives :
The exhibition day is day where the students show and demonstrate their project after working/research about it for almost a year. This day, the objectives and functionality of the project will be tested.
The exhibition day is day where the students show and demonstrate their project after working/research about it for almost a year. This day, the objectives and functionality of the project will be tested.
Contents :
This is the week where I present my full project to my assessors. The Final Year Project presentation was conducted at Dewan Gemilang Unikl BMI from 8am to 12.00pm. The assessors that is going to assess me are En. Mohamed Firdaus (Director of Fardam Engineering) and Mdm. Zaridah Mat Zain.
This is the week where I present my full project to my assessors. The Final Year Project presentation was conducted at Dewan Gemilang Unikl BMI from 8am to 12.00pm. The assessors that is going to assess me are En. Mohamed Firdaus (Director of Fardam Engineering) and Mdm. Zaridah Mat Zain.
Conclusions :
As for conclusions, the presentation takes about 30 minutes for both assessors and Alhamdullilah, I go through without any issues problems. Some modifications need to be made for future researches to improve the functionality of this prototype.