WEEK 17 (FYP 2)

Title : Submission of the Thesis Report and Technical Paper (link is available below)
Date : 21 Nov 2019

Objectives :
Declaration of thesis report and technical paper submission.

Contents :
On this week, I submit my project development to UniKL BMI. I have submit my hardcover thesis and my technical report to the library and the FYP-Cordinator. All my project appreciation goes to my supervisor, Dr Mohd Zaki Bin Ayob because he helps me a lot doing this project development and guide me during the thesis writing. Below are the link for my project technical paper :

This is http://fyp.bmi.unikl.edu.my/ where I submit my softcopy of project and is a requirement for all student to submit softcopy before submit their thesis hardcopy.

Conclusions :
As a conclusion, I have settle and done my Final Year Project for the 2 semester which is I very thankful for complete it. I want to say thank you to all the people that always supporting me through up and down especially my family, my supervisor and also my friends. This project has made me proud because I have success to build it. Thank you also to all the readers that have been read my journey for completing my Final Year Project which is Development of Road Vehicle Accident Detection and Recovery System.

WEEK 16 (FYP 2)

Title : Turnitin Test Result
Date : 17 Nov 2019

Objectives :
The result of this turnitin test will determine the percentage of plagiarism in my thesis report.

Contents :
In this week, I ask my supervisor to check all of my compiled thesis from last week. The plagiarism check is a requirement for each of student that taken FYP 2. In order to pass the plagiarism test, the plagiarism percentage must be below 20%. Below are the result for my turnitin test :

Conclusions :
Alhamdulillah, I pass the plagiarism test on Turnitin. My supervisor has been satisfied with my works and approved me to print out the hardcover to submit the thesis to the FYP coordinator.

WEEK 15 (FYP 2)

Title : Report Correction & Compiling
Date : 10 Nov 2019

Objectives :
Doing some final editing and correction for my thesis report and compile it before proceed to printing.

Contents :
In this week, I have done the correction of my thesis and prepare to compile all my report according to the final year project thesis template. I have doing the correction at the certain mistakes that I make such as page numbering, label numbering and wrong spelled word. I have also doing the page arrangement, table of content, margin of the pages and the last part is appendices. My appendices divided into several parts which is the appendices A will holds my coding part, the appendices B hold smy schematic diagram, the appendices C holds overall view of prototype, the appendices D holds the Arduino datasheet and the appendices E holds my final year project poster.

Conclusions :
To conclude, the compiled report will be sent to my supervisor for Turnitin test. The test will analyse my report if there are any plagiarism. For the final year project report, the maximum percentage of plagiarism must be <20%.

WEEK 14 (FYP 2)

Title : Workshop on Technical Paper Writing and Award Achievement
Date : 1 Nov 2019

Objectives :
Final briefing on the format writing of technical paper that will contributing 10% for coursework.

Contents :
In this week, all the Final Year Project 2 students need to attend last briefing on how to do the technical paper writing that was conducted by Sir Mohd Noor as replacement for Dr Imran Sofi. The event takes place a TTL 1 from 2.45pm - 5.00pm. 

The structure of the technical report should consist of introduction, methods, results, and discussion. Below are the formats that need to be inside the technical paper :

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Material (optional)
  5. Method
  6. Result
  7. Discussion
  8. Conclusion
  9. References
During the briefing, an award giving ceremony had been done and Alhamdulillah my project received a recognition for 'OUTSTANDING FINAL YEAR PROJECT AWARD' by the IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity. 

Conclusions :
As for conclusion, the award that I received has encourage and motivate me to keep fighting for the future. I will try my best and work harder to achieve something that make me proud. Thanks to my supervisor as he has taught me a lot to build this prototype from scratch. I am really grateful to have a supervisor like Dr Mohd Zaki bin Ayob.

WEEK 13 (FYP 2)

Title : Overall Conclusion and Recommendation for the Project
Date : 25 Oct 2019

Objectives :
To conclude the overall findings for this project and give some recommendations for future reference.

Contents :
In this week, I give all my focus doing the conclusion and recommendation part. This chapter is based on my final findings on my project and future improvise that this project. In this chapter, all the conclusion need to be stated for the project whether the research was successful or not. Also, I write is the objective of my research achieved or not.

All the recommendations that has been suggested by the internal and external assessors in my FYP2 Exhibition Day presentation is written in appropriate way. The suggestions is to improvise my project to make it user-friendly and might give benefits to help future researchers and engineers in innovating this prototype. Some of the suggestions are :

  • Installing a hi-sensitivity alcoholic sensor
  • Provide a dash-cam to the system
  • Using alternative ways to track coordinates

Conclusions :
For overall, all of the problem statement, methodology, results and conclusion have been wrote in the the thesis report. This report can be used by other readers as reference if they want to build a project that is similar to this one.

WEEK 12 (FYP 2)

Title : Thesis Report Writing (Chapter 3 & Chapter 4)
Date : 16 Oct 2019

Objectives :
Gives full details and explain all of the test that had been done in order to achieved the main objectives of this project.

Contents :
After complete my presentation last week , it is time to focus on my thesis report which is I am doing result and discussion. On this thesis , I have receive a lot of guidance from my supervisor and he also guide me which result I should place in order to make readers understand.

Chapter 3 : Methodology
I have corrected my previous flow chart according to my current project and add new methodology as my project had some new features. I also changed a few components which is the GSM and some other minor parts for the prototype

Chapter 4 : Result and Discussion
I have shown all the method and library declaration that been used for each of the features based on my project. I also has explained the details of the results that were obtained from the test to make sure the reader can understand about the output of this project. I am using three sensors as the input of my project and have two outputs which are the coordinate from the GPS and the message alert from the GSM. I also have write about the trouble and problem that I have found and succeed to encounter it until I can do the troubleshooting on my project.

Conclusions :
After writing about the result obtain from all the test, it is time to conclude for the overall project. Many problems and obstacles that i had been through throughout this whole project. By doing this project, it had taught me a lot and I am very thankful to all who supports me..

WEEK 11 (FYP 2)

Title : FYP 2 Exhibition Day
Date : 9 Oct 2019

Objectives :
The exhibition day is day where the students show and demonstrate their project after working/research about it for almost a year. This day, the objectives and functionality of the project will be tested.

Contents :
This is the week where I present my full project to my assessors. The Final Year Project presentation was conducted at Dewan Gemilang Unikl BMI from 8am to 12.00pm. The assessors that is going to assess me are En. Mohamed Firdaus (Director of Fardam Engineering) and Mdm. Zaridah Mat Zain.

Conclusions :
As for conclusions, the presentation takes about 30 minutes for both assessors and Alhamdullilah, I go through without any issues problems. Some modifications need to be made for future researches to improve the functionality of this prototype.

WEEK 10 (FYP 2)

Title : Final Briefing for FYP 2 Students (Submission Date of the Reports)
Date : 6 Oct 2019

Objectives :
Explain briefly about the submission date for all the reports that need to be done and listing the assessors that will attend each student.

Contents :
For this week, I attend the 3rd meeting for FYP 2 which talk about “The Exhibition Day and Submission date for Final Report and Technical Report”. In this section, the FYP 2 coordinator explain about the tentative during the Exhibition Day and also the list of dates for the students to submit their reports. Next, each student will have 2 assessors to access the project. As for me, I got En. Mohamed Firdaus (Director of Fardam Engineering) and Mdm. Zaridah Mat Zain to access me with my project presentation.

On the other hand, I had finished doing my poster for the project and demo the prototype to my supervisor. The reason I prepared the poster early is to make sure my supervisor can improvise my language and grammar usage in the poster. Also my supervisor can advice me if there is any mistake and can give some recommendations.

The poster contains the objective, project description, methodology, flowchart, result and conclusion of my project.  My supervisor also satisfied with my apps. It is functioning well in in every situation. I feel so grateful because the prototype is functioning well, its has been 10 week since the project development started.

Conclusions :
After a hectic week preparing my project and poster, i think i am well prepared now with the help of my supervisor and friends. The data and results that obtained are encouraging enough for me to present my project to the assessor. There are some mistakes and error that need to be fix before the big day and i hope the presentation day will go smoothly as planned. Amin

WEEK 9 (FYP 2)

Title : Preparations for FYP 2 Exhibition Day and New features added
Date : 28 Sept 2019

Objectives :
Create some new features for my prototype to make this project more interesting and be ready with all the facts and data collected for the presentation.

Contents :
This week, I continue upgrading my project by adding some new features. The new features are :

#1 Button - Press to start engine
This prototype comes with a security or start button before starting the system. This is to ensure that all of the components have been load properly before running the program. 

#2 Button - Emergency button
This prototype has an emergency button feature that when it is activated, the system will directly send an emergency alert message to the rescue team. This will bypass all the sensor triggers and directly contact the emergency number registered to the vehicle.

After the features have been added and tested, I started to make some preparations for my FYP 2 Exhibition Day. I completed the poster that will be used during the presentation and make some final check up for my project to run smoothly and perfectly during the presentation. 

Conclusions :
In summary, this week I have prepared a lot for the Exhibition Day and I am very happy with the prototype because it works very well. Next, I will try to make some last adjustments and edit my poster before printing it.

WEEK 8 (FYP 2)

Title : Collecting Data and Prototype testing
Date : 13 Sept 2019

Objectives :
Running tests for every component in every aspect to make sure that the prototype functioning well in a real time situation.

Contents :
Several tests have been done to imitate the real time situation to analyse the compatibility of this prototype to the user. The test also included how the message is send to the rescue team via SMS  using a google link that can be directed to the Google Map Application.

#1 Distance Warning Alert
The Ultrasonic Sensor helps the person who drives the vehicle knows the distance between the vehicle and object in front. The sensor will be triggered if the distance is less than 5 cm and starts to give a warning to the driver about the distance.

#2 Speed Warning Alert
In this project, the purpose of IR sensor can be manipulated to read the speed of a moving object. The sensor is placed behind of a vehicle tire so it can detect the revolution speed of the tire. The sensor will detect the revolution per minute of the vehicle tire and collect the information that can be transform into kmh unit. If the driver droves higher than 180 kmh, the system will detect as an over speeding and then will give a warning to the driver.

#3 Impact Warning Alert
This sensor is placed at the front of the vehicle as Figure 4.15 to detect any impact towards the front of the vehicle. The impact can be adjusted to the lowest touch or hard object impact. The settings are set to the mild impact because if the setting is to low the system might be giving a false alert because it is too sensitive. 

#3 Message Notification Alert
For the output of this system, there are GPS and GSM module that being used to send the emergency alert message to the rescue team. The GPS module is codded  to send the coordinate of the vehicle in the form of google link. This is to make the tracking and locating easier for the rescue team. 

For the GSM module, the alert message is compact with the information of the driver’s name, the type and number plate of the car and the location of the accident occur. Based on the location below, the emrgency is triggered at UniKL BMI, Gombak.

Conclusions :
As for conclusion, the purposed of doing these testing are to make sure all of the sensors are working properly and precisely according to the situation. During this phase, some adjustable can be changed easily before completing it fully on the prototype. The testing that are taken seriously are the sensors that will collect the information for the vehicle.

WEEK 7 (FYP 2)

Title : Workshop on Pitching Technique & Final Prototype 
Date : 8 September 2019

Objective :
Stating the knowledge that was received during the workshop and explain how can the knowledge be applied. On the other hand, give a full view about the last design of the prototype.

Contents :
For this week, I attend a Pitching Technique briefing for FYP 2. In this workshop, the coordinators explain about the technique on presentation day. The explanation including on how to do the presentation in front of the assessor. I learnt some new tricks to tackle the assessor which are explain briefly and thoroughly on my project. Each data that were obtained need to be explained one clearly so assessor can understand the whole process of the project. 

During this week, the final design of the prototype is completed. I am very grateful because I was able to finished the prototype on time. The system wiring has been modified completely instead of using breadboard, I am soldering the connectors onto a PCB board to make the interior looks neat. Below are the full view of my project prototype :

The whole body frame for the prototype is using ply wood to increase the durability.

The interior wiring system for this project.

After completing the full design, its time to test out the functionality of each components. Can this prototype achieve its goal ? ( Goal : A system that will gives warning to the driver when it receives an abnormal data and gives sufficient information to a nearby rescue team when accident occurs )

Conclusions :
In conclusion, the pitching workshop that were held by the coordinators really help me a lot in boosting up my energy and confidence to present about my project. Furthermore, some improvement/new features can be applied to my prototype such as adding a button features that act as an emergency button or a button feature that need to be pressed to start the vehicle engine. Researches need to be done for adding these type of features.

WEEK 6 (FYP 2)

Title : Simulation Testing for each of the component
Date : 30 August 2019

Objective :
To ensure all of the components works perfectly when combine into a system.

Contents :
As stated in week 4, a major issue occur from GSM SIM800L where the signal connectivity is very weak and can distract the whole system to be working perfectly thus GSM SIM900A is being used to substitute the old GSM module.

Throughout the week, many simulation testing and coding have been done to test out the functionality of each component. The testing included distance monitoring, speed monitoring and impact monitoring.

#1 Distance Monitoring
The sensor will be triggered if the distance between the vehicle and object in front is less than 5 cm. It will automatically detects and send warning alert to the driver.

#2 Speed Monitoring
The sensor will be triggered if the speed of the vehicle is more than 180 kmh. It will automatically detects and send warning alert to the driver.

#3 Impact Monitoring
The sensor will be triggered if it detects a certain amount of shock received from the front of the car. It will automatically detects and send warning alert to the driver.

#4 Accident Detection Monitoring
An accident will be justify by the system if all of the sensors are triggered. The distance must <5 cm, the speed must decrease rapidly or = 0 kmh and an impact is detected at the front of the car.

If an accident happen the system will automatically alarm the GPS to track the last coordinate of the vehicle and the location will be sent through GSM via SMS to the rescue team.

Conclusion :
In summary, based on the testing that had been done, the result of all the testings were quite successful but further improvement need to be done such as the coordinate can be send in the form of google link to make job easier for the rescue team by just tapping a link that can be used with Google Map.

WEEK 5 (FYP 2)

Title : Workshop on Results & Discussion, Conclusion and Abstract in Thesis Writing (2nd meeting)
Date : 21 August 2019

Objective :
Explain briefly about the workshop (meeting) held by FYP coordinators. The workshop shows the example of past students thesis in order to give some idea on how to write the thesis in the future.

Contents :
The workshop was conducted by Dr. Imran as the Head of FYP committee. He described in details all of the subtopic that need to be in the thesis in order to create a perfect and understandable thesis. Below are some of the inputs that I got from the workshop :

Chapter 4 : Results and Discussion

  • For this chapter, I need to show in details how the prototype is tested and what are the result obtain. Next, explain the working principle of each component and the whole system and give a full view of the prototype. Lastly, problem might occur during testing, discuss about the problem and how the problem can be identify.

Chapter 5 : Conclusion and Recommendation

  • For this chapter, a conclusion for the whole project need to be stated here. For example, how can this product can be beneficial for others in the future and explain why. State some recommendation for overcoming the problem that occur throughout the process for future reference,

Absract Writing

  • Abstract is a digest of the entire thesis and should be given the same careful attention as the main text. It includes a brief statement of problems, research or project objectives, a concise description of the research methodology and design, the major findings or results obtained and conclusions. 

Conclusion :
In conclusion, from the workshop, I have learned that in order to write a good thesis a thorough explanation and details need to be stated inside to make sure that readers can understand about the whole project and can used it as reference in the future.

WEEK 4 (FYP 2)

Title : Prototype Pre-assembly
Date : 17 August 2019

Objective :
Give a clearer view of how the final prototype will be assemble. The purpose of doing this phase is to ensure that the expenses can be save if anything bad happen.

Contents :
The final prototype design should use a wood planks or acrylic perspex as the main body frame. Instead of using that, in this phase I use a cardboard as the main body frame for my project. Below are the prototype using cardboard body frame :

All of the components are placed according to their place and ready to be tested one by one. The objectives for this phase are :
  • Testing the distance monitoring system using Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Testing the speed monitoring system using IR Sensor
  • Testing the impact monitoring system using Vibration Sensor
  • Testing the signal connectivity for GSM SIM800L (can receive signal and send SMS)
  • Testing signal connectivity for GPS Neo-6M (give accurate coordinate)

Conclusion :
In conclusion, all of the components work well individually but when it combine together as a system, some issues need to be fix. One of the main problem is the GSM because the signal connectivity is very weak even at an open space. The GSM need to be changed to other model that can boost up the signal which is GSM SIM900A.

WEEK 3 (FYP 2)

Title : Buying Components & Arduino IDE setup
Date : 11 August 2019

Objective :
Listing all the expenses on the things that will be used in this project. Stating the stores location and the prices for each component and tools.

Contents :
Below are the cost of expenses for each components that will be used for this project :

Some of the components are bought at Autobotics Sdn Bhd located at Setapak and some are bought at stores located at Jalan Pasar (Pudu).

A software called Arduino IDE is used for this project. This software is used to write the command program for the project in a form of simplistic text. It  has the ability to write and burn programs with compiler and also supports C and C++ languages. Furthermore, it can simplifies the process of working with micro-controllers thus make things easier in the future.

Conclusion :
In summary, the components are tested and all of it is working well. Next, the components can be assembly as per schematic diagram thus proceeding build it as a one prototype. The coding can be burn to the Arduino to test the work performance of each component.

WEEK 2 (FYP 2)

Title : Briefing on Introduction to FYP 2 (1st meeting)
Date : 1 August 2019

Objective :
The summary about the first meeting for FYP 2 students that was held on 31/7/2019. The purpose of the meeting is to give a better understanding about the process/flow throughout the whole semester for FYP 2 students.

Contents :
For this meeting, Dr. Imran congratulate all of the students for passing their FYP 1 with excellence. The purpose of the meeting is to show the workflow for the students throughout the whole semester. Every point that is explained in details are listed below :

  • All of FYP 2 students can redeem all of the expenses for their project up to RM 500 at the end of the semester.
  • The Exhibition Day to test and simulate the project is on Week 11.
  • Students should completed their FYP report thesis, Technical Paper and Log Book and submitted to their supervisor (library included).

Conclusion :
In this week, I have prepared a time table for the whole semester in order to monitor my project workflow so that every work that need to be done is organize accordingly into each week.

WEEK 1 (FYP 2)

Title : Schematic Diagram Simulation Assembly
Date : 26 July 2019

Objective :
The purpose of the simulation is to show the different possible outcomes of the project, along with the probability that each outcome will occur. The simulation helps in reducing the project risk and in choosing the best project plan.

Contents :
For the schematic diagram, I used Proteus Design to create the overall design for this project. All the main components are included in this simulation to get the rough idea how the project will look like. Based on figure below is the diagram of my circuit.

Conclusion :
In conclusion, by doing the schematic diagram, the overall rough idea of the prototype can be seen clearly. Furthermore, the tools, kits and components that will be used for this project can be planned early before proceeding to the prototype.

WEEK 16/17 (FYP 1)

Title : Draft Report Submission & Components Survey
Date : 11 June 2019

Objectives :
Comparing the prices of each components from different stores or marketplaces to ensure that the minimal price for this project can be achieved.

Contents :
During week 16 through week 17, different type of stores that sells electronics components are being survey. One of the easiest way that I used to compared the price is by using Google (Shopee, Lazada, etc). The price that i found online is set as the base price before I continue searching through other stores.

Furthermore, at the last week of this semester, the FYP report progress has been submitted to my supervisor Dr. Mohd Zaki Bin Ayob to be checked before proceeding with the prototype. 

Conclusions :
As for conclusion, the purpose of doing online research about the components price is that the online price usually cheaper than the price buying directly at stores. The consequences is that the delivery might be too long or the component that is received might not be working well.

WEEK 15 (FYP 1)

Title : Progress Break Down and Development for FYP1
Date : 26 May 2019

Objectives :
Shows how are the work have been divided over time and explain the timeline that is used to illustrate how the project will run for this semester.

Contents :
Firstly, the i build a Work Breakdown Structure and try to divide the task into some manageable sections so it is easy to see the process of the project without missing anything important.

Next, after building the WBS a Gantt Chart is produced to divide the works into 17 week of duration throughout the whole semester. This chart will be seen by people about the outline of the workflow for this project.

Conclusions :
As a conclusion, this concept can be considered as a well-known and successful approach of project management practices. It is accepted as effective and useful way for scheduling, following and controlling the projects in which different tasks are aimed to be completed in a restricted time durations. They help you assess how long a project should take, determine the resources needed, and plan the order in which you'll complete tasks. 

WEEK 14 (FYP 1)

Title : Summary for the FYP1 Presentation
Date : 17 May 2019

Objectives :
Explains about the outline of the output from my FYP1 presentation,

Content :

a. Why is high-end car have this king of car safety technology :
  • High-end car such as Mercedes, Tesla etc. have their own rescue team so the user does not have to rely on the government rescue team.
  • Most of high-end car user are rich/important people, so they are their target customer to buy this technology compare to regular people.
  • The technology/system itself is not expensive (like my expected cost) but the reason why it can get expensive is because of the additional fees. For example, fees for their own rescue team, insurance covered etc.

b. Who do this project refer to call if an accident happen :
  • My target for this project is to imply the scene of an accident on a highway. The rescue team that I am targeting is the hotline that are registered for that highway.

For my project, it has 2 conditions where the first one is where the system will give a warning to the driver if it detects an unusual behaviour of driving and the second one where the system will call/send alert message to nearby rescue team when it detects an accident. There are a few things that needs to be improvised:

First Improvement
Instead of giving warning to the driver when it detects an unusual behaviour (e.g. Speeding), the system itself will also decrease the vehicle speed gradually or limit the speed of the vehicle

Second Improvement
When the system detects an accident and send alert message to the rescue team, how does the driver know the rescue team is on its way? So, I want to improve that there is a two-way communication between the driver and the rescue team. The team will send a respond that will notify the driver that the alert message has been received.

Conclusions :
For overall, all of the suggestion and recommendation from my assessor have had help me to improve more for my project. I really appreciate their help and will try to achieve some of their reccomendations.

WEEK 13 (FYP 1)

Title : FYP1 Proposal Defense Day
Date : 10 May 2019

Objectives :
The defense day is to guide the students to clearly understand about their own projects. Two assessors will be assign to a student for their presentation about the project selected.

Contents :
This is the week where I present my proposal to my assessors. This event took place on 8 May 2019 and Dewan Gemilang, Unikl BMI. The assessors that is going to assess me are Sir Saiful Yusri and Dr. Nor Amalia.

During the presentation, it all went smoothly as practiced with my supervisor last week. The assessor can understand and had a clear overview about my project. There are not much mistakes during the presentation but my nervous feelings is very strong. The Q&A session went well and the assessors had given me some ideas to improve my project in the future. 

Alhamdulillah the presentation went very well more than i expected and one of the assessors gives a good commend about the energy of my presentation.

Conclusions :

WEEK 12 (FYP 1)

Title : Presentation Slide Preparation and Preliminary Result Analysis
Date : 1 May 2019

Objectives :
Discussed about the presentation slide preparation and some methods to improve it. Next, the analysis of the market survey result for my preliminary result.

Contents :

For this week i have made some preparations on my presentation slide for my proposal defense day. This slide will cover these topics:
  • Project Background
  • Aim of the Project
  • Problem Statements
  • Research Motivation
  • Objectives
  • Scope and Limitations of the Project
  • Literature Review
  • Block Diagram 
  • Flowchart
  • Work Progress : Gantt Chart & WBS
  • Preliminary Result
  • Conclusions
After completing the slide, I sent the work to my supervisor to ask about his opinion about the presentation slide. After a few days of discussion, we decided to make a mock presentation as a preparation of speech for the real presentation.

The mock presentation went good and it gives me the exposure and ways to improve more about my presentation. There are a lot Q&A between me and my supervisor about this proposal defense day. There are some flaws in my presentation that needs to be improved but overall everything is in pace.

Preliminary Result
I have done some survey to test the marketability of this product. A set of questionnaires was shared to the community of my housing area and my targeted customer is a family person. This are some of the survey results.

From the survey that i have done, most of my customer doesn't really know the existing of this product in the market but eventually the realize the importance of this safety system to them. Thus, this is a big step for me to continue this project and try to make it happen and be the one that can contribute to the society.
Conclusions :
After a hectic week preparing my presentation, i think i am well prepared now with the help of my supervisor and friends. The result from the survey is encouraging enough for me to present my project to the assessor. There are some mistakes and error that need to be fix before the big day and i hope the presentation day will go smoothly as planned. Amin. 

WEEK 11 (FYP 1)

Title : Final Workshop Briefing Covering for Proposal Defense Day and Submission of Reports
Date : 26 April 2019

Objectives :
Explains briefly or summary about the last meeting for fyp1 students that was held on 25/4/2019 and the purpose of the workshop is gives the exposure to the students about the process during the defense day.

Contents :
The workshop was handled by Dr Imran and he go in detail about how to defend or proposal. 

There are a few things that need to be considered during the presentation :
- The slides must be illustrative rather than fill up the whole page with words
- We can come up with research motivations to support our main points
- Try to enhance the technical part when presenting to the assessor

Dr Imran also explained about the marks of a total 100% contributed by our works and the due date for the report submission is on 3/6/2019.
1. Progress Report (Blog) = 30%
2. Technical Report = 35%
3. Presentation = 35%

Conclusions :
In conclusion, it is important to take the presentation seriously because it contributes up to 35% of the total marks. For this week, i need to prepare a good presentation slide and ask my supervisor opinion on how to improve the presentation slide for next week.

WEEK 10 (FYP 1)

Title : Drafts on the Methodology of the Project (Chapter 3)
Date : 19 April 2019

Objectives :
Explains roughly about the flow and process about my project. People can get the basic idea about the process of this project.

Contents :
For this project, the output will be only two options :

  • The first condition is when the system detects an unusual behavior of driving, it will gives warning to the driver (e.g. speeding)
  • The second condition is when the system detects an accident, it will send alert signals to the rescue team nearby.
Conclusions :
In overall, the process might need to be improved some more and i hope in the upcoming weeks, the idea can be developed more.

WEEK 9 (FYP 1)

Title : Workshop on Methodology (Chapter 3), Preliminary Result (Chapter 4) and Abstract Writing
Date : 13 April 2019

Explains briefly or summary about the fourth meeting for fyp1 students that was held on 10/4/2019 and the purpose of the workshop is explain briefly about how to explain the process of our project and how to analyse the data/results taken from the project.

Contents :
For this meeting, Dr Imran has give some further explanation and guide the student for the proposal report. He also explained in details about the basic idea and expectation writing for every chapter :

  • In this chapter, it describes the methods and techniques used for the project. It can be explain about the block diagram, the main components used and the flowchart of the project. Must be explained in details so can gives a brief information to the readers.

  • For fyp1, the Chapter 4 has been changed from Results and Discussion to Preliminary Result because for the first semester the project progress is not exceeding 30% yet.
  • In this chapter we can explain about the simulations that we have done or other results that we can analyse for the project and each result must be discussed as it will highlight the main findings, implications and significance of the project

  • It is the summary of the whole report that tells the readers about the function, problem statements, method used, results and conclusion of my project. This part must be written after i have finished the report. Since it is the summary to the of the whole report that i have done, i think it should be easy to write 

Conclusions :
To summarize for this week, for the methodology part it can be done easily but for the preliminary result part, i think i will try to make a market survey for my project. This is because my project is a product-based project so a market survey could be a nice approach for my project.

WEEK 8 (FYP 1)

Title : Drafts on Introduction of the Project (Chapter 1)
Date : 30 March 2019

Objectives :
Produce a basic concept for my project. To start a project, i must strengthen the core idea of this project and get the basic knowledge about why i want to do this project and how can it be implemented.
Contents :
For chapter 1, I has to find the purpose of building/making this project and what are the problems in the real world that can support my statements.

Aim of the Project
To develop a system that will gives warning to the driver when it receives an abnormal data and gives sufficient information to a nearby rescue team when accident occurs

Problem Statements
- Number of accidents have been increased by years and the total deaths caused by it are still on a critical level.
- It takes time for the rescue team to know about the accidents. Because of this situation the rescue team will be arriving late at the scene that can caused the accident victim to die.
Minimize accidents' response time for the rescue team to reach the accident scene in order to reduce number of human death due to rad accidents.

Scope of the Project
This project is to establish a method for the rescue team to attend an accident and the place of incident quickly

Limitations of the Project
This project can be limited due to signal connectivity

Conclusions :
I hope based on the drafts that i have made for my chapter 1 people can understand more about the overview of my project. Hopefully my objectives of this project can be achieved. Amin.

WEEK 7 (FYP 1)

Title : Workshop on Introduction & Literature Review Writing (3rd meeting)
Date : 24 March 2019

Objectives :
Explains briefly or summary about the third meeting for fyp1 students that was held on 20/3/2019 and the purpose of the workshop is to give us full exposure in how to explain our project/product to other people so they can easily understand the overall project and how to do some researches for the project chosen.

Contents :
For this meeting, Dr Imran has give some further explanation and guide the student for the proposal report. He also explained in details about the sub topic that must be put together inside every chapter which are :

1.1 Project Background
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Objectives of the Project
1.4 Significance of the Project
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Project
1.6 Chapter Summary


2.1 Introduction
2.2 Project Overview
2.3  Previous Research Problems
2.4 Precious Methods/Works
2.5 Conclusion/Recommendations
2.6 Chapter Summary

Conclusions :
In this week i have view all the list of details for every chapters and decided to start focusing on producing chapter 1. It is the main chapter that generally introduces the problem statement and indicates the importance and validity of my project.

WEEK 6 (FYP 1)

Title : Research on the previous methods/experiments (Literature Review)
Date : 16 March 2019

Objectives :
To ensure I have a thorough understanding of the project by relating with previous methods as references. Describe the relationship of each work to the others and try to identify new ways to give a fresh ideas to my project.

Contents :
Starting this week, i try to search and read all the previous studies that have been done on this particular topic which is Vehicle Accident Detection System and also studies the Transport Statistics Malaysis that can strengthen my problem statement. I will attach the link of some of my researches below :

Basically, the aim of this project is to develop a safety-system to a vehicle that can detect an accident and report immediately to the nearest medical center or rescue team. A project that uses the usage of sensors in order to gain data and the microcontroller will make the decision based on the data received.

From the research that i have made, i can summarize that most of the methods work when the car is already have had an accident but there are a few methods that gives a warning to the driver if the system detects an unusual behavior driving from the driver. This function is very useful as it can be used as prevention for accident from happening.

Conclusions :
In overall, after making some researches, i think it is the best way to combine some of the researches method into a new method. Some safety features may not be useful and some might be useful so i have to do some critical thinking to make this project applicable to all sorts of situations.