Title : Submission of the Thesis Report and Technical Paper (link is available below)
Date : 21 Nov 2019
Objectives :
Declaration of thesis report and technical paper submission.
Declaration of thesis report and technical paper submission.
Contents :
On this week, I submit my project development to UniKL BMI. I have submit my hardcover thesis and my technical report to the library and the FYP-Cordinator. All my project appreciation goes to my supervisor, Dr Mohd Zaki Bin Ayob because he helps me a lot doing this project development and guide me during the thesis writing. Below are the link for my project technical paper :
On this week, I submit my project development to UniKL BMI. I have submit my hardcover thesis and my technical report to the library and the FYP-Cordinator. All my project appreciation goes to my supervisor, Dr Mohd Zaki Bin Ayob because he helps me a lot doing this project development and guide me during the thesis writing. Below are the link for my project technical paper :
This is http://fyp.bmi.unikl.edu.my/ where I submit my softcopy of project and is a requirement for all student to submit softcopy before submit their thesis hardcopy.
Conclusions :
As a conclusion, I have settle and done my Final Year Project for the 2 semester which is I very thankful for complete it. I want to say thank you to all the people that always supporting me through up and down especially my family, my supervisor and also my friends. This project has made me proud because I have success to build it. Thank you also to all the readers that have been read my journey for completing my Final Year Project which is Development of Road Vehicle Accident Detection and Recovery System.
As a conclusion, I have settle and done my Final Year Project for the 2 semester which is I very thankful for complete it. I want to say thank you to all the people that always supporting me through up and down especially my family, my supervisor and also my friends. This project has made me proud because I have success to build it. Thank you also to all the readers that have been read my journey for completing my Final Year Project which is Development of Road Vehicle Accident Detection and Recovery System.